The healhty gymnast academy

Empowering Excellence: Nurturing Strength, Preventing Injury, and Fostering Wellness

This is for your gymnast if they…

✔ have struggled with injury

✔ want to stay pain/injury free

✔ need to improve strength/stability/flexibility/orm

✔ wants improved confidence

✔ has trouble sharing feelings or expressing opinions with coaches

✔ need to be stronger

✔ have trouble balancing gym, school, and personal life

✔ feel like they are not meeting your full potential

***plus some bonus modules/content for parents to aid with communication and how to best support

What is the healthy gymnast academy?

The Healthy Gymnast Academy is A12-week VIRTUAL program designed to empower gymnasts with injury prevention strategies, wellness tools, and personalized guidance.

Through a combination of physical training, mental empowerment, and a supportive community, this program helps gymnasts build strength, confidence, and resilience, ensuring a positive and well rounded approach to their gymnastics journey.


What you’ll learn

The Healthy Gymnast Academy will teach you tools to help your body feel it’s best and for you to handle all the things gymnastics throws at you!

In 3 weeks you will have a good understanding of your individual weaknesses, have exercises to work on those, and understand common physical limitations that lead to injury and deductions for gymnasts.

In 6 weeks you will be feeling stronger, have a better idea how to properly fuel your body for optimal performance, and have better tools to manage life stresses.

In 12 weeks you will have less pain, feel stronger, have better form, feel more comfortable talking about any problems/pain you are having, have improved communication with your parents about gymnastics, have a good grasp on goal setting and the best way to accomplish those goals, and feel prepped to have a successful competition season!

Modules include:

  • Assessments to learn what areas you need to focus on

  • Common gymnastics injuries and how to prevent those

  • Common form issues with exercises to address

  • Nutrition

  • Goal setting

  • Competition Mindset

  • Advocating for yourself

  • Parents communication with gymnats/coaches

  • Stress management

  • College gymnastics info

Meet your instructor

Jenny BorDA PT, DPT

I am a doctor of Physical Therapy, CrossFit L1 trainer, former athlete, coach, mom, animal lover, crafter, shoe addict, and self proclaimed french fry connoisseur.

I got into competitive gymnastics at a young age (with 2 parents who coached…my mom still judges!) and never looked back. After my career as a gymnast was over, I worked for twelve years as a high-level gymnastics coach. When an athlete is dedicated to their sport, it’s easy to forget about leading a well-rounded life. But nothing is more important! My passion for helping young athletes on and off the field led me to earn a doctoral degree in Physical Therapy from The Ohio State University in 2008. Giving young gymnasts the tools they need for success not just in competition, but in life as well, is central to the Built by Borda mission. You may be the most dedicated athlete in the world — there’s still time to read a book or go catch a movie with a friend sometimes. You are more than just your sport!

I’ve dedicated my career to treating young athletes, with a concentration on empowering young gymnasts and getting injured competitors back to doing what they love. I’m passionate about helping athletes rise above the obstacles in their lives through a combination of injury-prevention programming and movement coaching. Together, we can map out a well-rounded lifestyle to put you on the healthiest path for your long term growth. It all starts with positivity and balance.

In recent years I competed in CrossFit and as a national-level Olympic Weightlifter. This experience led me to get certified to coach CrossFit, which I currently do at Friendship Fitness in Dublin. My work requires a lot of time and energy, but I also practice what I preach! Carving out breaks throughout the day to do all the things I love is essential to my own happiness. When I’m not coaching, I have a blast renovating/decorating homes, doing a variety of crafts, hanging out with my daughter, and spending time with my two adorable (and totally rambunctious) dogs! At the end of the day, I’m a big believer in hard work, positive thinking, and a balanced approach to both life and athletics. These things have served me well throughout my career, and sharing them with other athletes is an absolute joy.