40 Things I Have Learned By 40

Wow! 40?! Really?! It hardly seems possible...but it is! I thought I would take this milestone birthday to come up with a list of things that I have found true and learned over these years!

So here it is!

  1. You don't ever feel older really! I mean I might recovery more slowly and need a little more sleep...but mentally I feel like I could be in my 20s!
  2. If nothing changes, nothing changes. If you don't like where you are in any situation it won't get better by just hoping things change.
  3. Take care of your skin early!
  4. You should always have goals!
  5. Each decision you make is just a step to another decision, it does not have to be the final destination.
  6. Friendships are a 2 way street, you have to give and take to make it a real relationship.
  7. Your goals are allowed to change. (and probably should over time!)
  8. Work on your posture! Your body will thank you.
  9. Stand up for yourself, what you want, and what you think is right.
  10. You don't think it will happen....but at some point you will grow random chin hair 🙈. Not a big deal, just pluck it!
  11. It's ok to feel however you feel in all situations.
  12. Dogs are amazing. I wasn't sold on having 1 at one point....and now I love both of them so incredibly much.
  13. Being strong is super cool.
  14. You are more than one thing. Water those different parts of your life & don't let 1 thing define you.
  15. Friendships will change over time, but you will always have people that will be there for you no matter what.
  16. Work should not be your whole life.
  17. Explore different hobbies during different seasons of life.
  18. Loyalty matters...but don't be too loyal to someone or something that is not loyal to you.
  19. Be honest with people (and yourself).
  20. You 100% do not have to drink to have or be fun.
  21. It's just money, you can make more.
  22. Sometimes s*** sucks! and that is ok! and when it does you do not have to fake happiness...let people know when things aren't great.
  23. Everyone has different gifts.
  24. Don't say yes to things you don't want to do.
  25. Even thought you might like how something looks does not mean you will like it on you! That's ok! Don't wear stuff you don't like!
  26. Change in at times uncomfortable, that does not mean the change is not right.
  27. If you care about doing something...really care about it!
  28. Just because you are good at something does not mean you have to love it.
  29. Because you miss a workout (or a bunch) or eat junk you are not bad....that is just being a person.
  30. Recovery is important!
  31. Everyone is different...appreciate and show interest in those differences...be kind....but that does not mean everyone has to be your friend.
  32. Don't let anything tie you down too young!
  33. You can always change your mind.
  34. Think before you post.
  35. Drinking from a straw helps your teeth stay white.
  36. Be open to constructive criticism.
  37. Don't ask people about when they are having kids (or getting married) ...it's rude and you never know how that will make someone feel.
  38. On that note- it's ok if you don't want to do those things above.
  39. A decision you make when you are 18,22, or even 32 does not define who you are forever.
  40. Believe in yourself always.

There it is....40 things I truly believe and find myself thinking or telling people often. Any of them seem meaningful to you?!

Thanks for reading =) I would love to hear your favorite!


Welcome Vivian James Simon!


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