Thoracic Mobility

Having poor mobility through your thoracic spine is something that can create all kinds of problems... mainly pain/injuries to your shoulders and/or low back! Or maybe you don't have pain (yet) but you have difficulty doing overhead activity or getting into a good handstand or gymnastics bridge position. Just like most things- some people naturally are tighter here - but is often effected by poor posture and activity choice (too much work on the muscles that pull you into that thoracic flexion- benching, hollow body work).

If you are someone who is lacking thoracic mobility it can take a LONG time to improve as well as very consistent work!

Here are some exercises you can try to help that upper back feel like it is loosening up and getting all the muscles in that area working like they should!

Medical Disclaimer: This information is intended as educational and instructional purposes only. Without a full assessment it is impossibly to know what exercises you specifically need for your condition. I encourage you to contact your doctor or other medical professional if concerned or experiencing activity limiting pain or illness.


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